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Eau Fen Cambridgeshire

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Birding Sites in the Eau Fen Area

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Leave Ely on A142 towards Soham immediately you have crossed the River Ouse there is lay-by (it is the remains of the approach road to the original bridge) on your right (south side of the road) - park here - room for approx 10 cars. you then walk south on the east bank of the river for just over a Km and cross over the level crossing on the railway line to Newmarket. Eau Fen is on the east side of the river bank. It is a field that has been flooded to kill off Nematode worms as were Holt Fen and Fidwell Fen in 2003 and 2004. The farm is run by Shropshire's trade name 'G's they grow salad stuffs for Supermarkets. OS map 142 TL543775 is approx the middle of the field.

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