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Grindon Lough Northumberland

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American Golden Plover
Paul Massey
04 May 2022
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Site Location Details

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Site Details

Grindon Lough is to the south of Hadrian's Wall, occupying a large natural depression. It is under the management of Northumberland Wildlife Trust. The Lough is quite shallow and surrounded by rough ground with many boggy sites and hollows. The fields on nearby slightly higher ground are popular with wintering geese. The conifer plantations and moorland to the south of the road are good for the usual small passerines. Birdwatchers often include a visit when travelling to or from Cumbria or the Solway. Otherwise it is mainly watched from Oct/March for numbers of wildfowl and April/May for passage and migration movement.


Grindon Lough
Nothumberland Wildlife Trust Garden House, St. Nicholas Park, Newcastle upon Tyne NEĀ£ 3XT

Contact Details

Telephone: 0191 2846884

Birding Sites in the Grindon Lough Area

Additional Site Details


Grindon Lough lies to the north of the minor road from Newbrough to Bardon Mill a mile or so SSE of the car park for Housesteads Roman Site on the B6318.


The land surrounding the Lough is private and there is no public access. It is easily viewed from the minor road stopping 2/3 times at the best vantage points. A telescope is an advantage.


Park sensibly on the roadside, there are a couple of small pull-ins.



Key Areas / Routes

a. The Lough, surrounding rough pasture and fields on slightly higher ground. b. The conifer plantations and moorland to the south of the road.

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